Eunhee Lee1·Kitae Baek2·Eun Hea Jho3·Yongju Choi4,5*
1Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
2Department of Environmental Engineering, Jeonbuk National University
3Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, Chonnam National University
4Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University
5Institute of Construction and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University
1한국지질자원연구원 지하수환경연구센터
2전북대학교 토목/환경/자원·에너지공학부(환경공학)
3전남대학교 농생명화학과
4서울대학교 건설환경공학부
5서울대학교 건설환경종합연구소
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Sustainability is commonly recognized as one of the new paradigms or norms that will reign the new era after the modern age of revolutionary economic development. This global trend calls for the adoption of the sustainability concept to soil and groundwater management. In fact, there are several such ongoing movements in practicing soil and groundwater management. Through literature review, this paper discusses the concept, practices, and future research needs of sustainable soil and groundwater management. We first discuss the definition of sustainable soil and groundwater management and possible methodologies to gauge or improve the sustainability of soil and groundwater management. Then, we introduce the research topics, exemplary practices, and propose solutions to elaborate sustainability in three representative subfields including soil and groundwater remediation, groundwater management, and soil management. We conclude with suggestions on the future research directions for successful adoption of sustainability concept to soil and groundwater management in the Republic of Korea.
Keywords: Sustainability, Soil, Groundwater, Management, Triple bottom line
2023; 28(S1): 1-17
Published on Jan 31, 2023
4Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University
5Institute of Construction and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University