Ye-Yeong Lee1·Dahae Lee2·Eun-Ji Bae3·Chung-Mo Lee4·Hanna Choi5*
1Department of Geography, Kyung Hee University
2Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University
3School of Earth System Science, Kyungpook National University
4Department of Geological Sciences, Pusan National University
5Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
1경희대학교 지리학과
2한양대학교 자원환경공학과
3경북대학교 지구시스템과학부
4부산대학교 지질환경과학과
5한국지질자원연구원 기후변화대응연구본부
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To assess land subsidence estimation and preparedness in the Geum River basin, this study applied GIS techniques and identified six key areas. The Geum River basin has experienced an increase in heavy rainfall since late 2010, and four study areas have shown an increase in groundwater levels. Land subsidence primarily occurred from June to September, with higher rainfall years in 2020 and 2023. Approximately 83.6% of land subsidence in Chungcheongbuk-do province occurred in Cheongju-si, mainly attributed to aging sewage pipes. The regions experiencing population growth have likely led to the construction of underground infrastructures and sewer pipes. Thus, it is considered that various factors, including sewage pipe leaks, precipitation, slope gradient, low drainage density, and groundwater level fluctuations, have contributed to land subsidence. Improving land subsidence estimation involves incorporating additional natural factors and human activities.
Keywords: Land subsidence, Aging sewage pipes, Groundwater level, Precipitation event, Slope gradient, Drainage density, Population density
2023; 28(6): 45-57
Published on Dec 31, 2023
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources