• Study on the Water Quality of Bank Filtration Depending on Soil Characteristics
  • Na, Hyeon-Young;Kwon, Dae-Young;
  • Department of Civil Engineering, Inje University;Department of Civil Engineering, Inje University (Construction Technology Resarch Center);
  • 토양특성에 따른 강변여과수의 수질에 관한 연구
  • 나현영;권대영;
  • 인제대학교 토목공학과;인제대학교 토목공학과(건설기술 연구소);
In this research, soil analysis and adsorption were conducted, and compared with the water quality of bank filtration and river in terms of TS, TDS, SS, $NH_4$-N, $NO_3$-N, $NO_2$-N, Fe, Mn, BOD and $KMnO_4$ consumption for the development of bank filtration in Gimhae city. Analysis of soil showed high levels of Fe (470 mg/kg), Mn (80 mg/kg) and $NH_4$-N (15 mg/kg). Also, adsorption coefficient values (k and 1/n) were 0.00159 and 0.8714, respectively. This implies that the adsorption of the soil depends on organic matter. Water qualitiy of the river and the bank filtration revealed that the concentrations of TS and TDS almost didn't change but the concentration of SS decreased 84% through the bank filtration. $NH_4$-N in the bank filtration was detected more than 1 mg/L which might be due to agricultural activities in the research area. $NO_3$-N was close to the detection limit owing to the removal by the adsorption. $KMnO_4$ consumption and BOD of the river were decreased by the bank filtration 250% and 350%, respectively, while Fe and Mn were significantly increased by the bank filtration.

Keywords: Bank filtration;River water;Soil analysis;Adsorption;Fe;Mn;

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