• Evaluation of Remediation Efficiency of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Technology Applying Micro Bubble Ozone Oxidizer Coupled with Pneumatic Fracturing Equipment
  • Oh, Seung-Taek;Oh, Cham-Teut;Kim, Guk-Jin;Seok, So-Hee;Kim, Chul-Kyung;Lim, Jin-Hwan;Ryu, Jae-Bong;Chang, Yoon-Young;
  • OIKOS Co. Ltd.;OIKOS Co. Ltd.;OIKOS Co. Ltd.;Korea Railroad Corporation;Department of Advanced Chemical Engineering, Mokwon University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;
  • 마이크로버블 오존 산화제와 공압파쇄 장치를 연계 적용한 지중 화학적 산화법의 정화효율 평가
  • 오승택;오참뜻;김국진;석소희;김철경;임진환;유재봉;장윤영;
  • (주)오이코스;(주)오이코스;(주)오이코스;한국철도공사;목원대학교 신소재화학공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;
A new type of chemical oxidation technology utilizing micro bubble ozone oxidizer and a pneumatic fracturing equipment was developed to enhance field applicability of a traditional chemical oxidation technology using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer for in-situ soil remediation. To find an efficient way to dissolve gaseous ozone into hydrogen peroxide, ozone was injected into water as micro bubble form then dissolved ozone concentration and its duration time were measured compared to those of simple aeration of gaseous ozone. As a result, dissolved ozone concentration in water increased by 31% (1.6 ppm ${\rightarrow}$ 2.1 ppm) and elapsed time for which maximum ozone concentration decreased by half lengthened from 9 min to 33 min. When the developed pneumatic fracturing technology was applied in sandy loam, cracks were developed and grown in soil for 5~30 seconds so that the radius of influence got longer by 71% from 392 cm to 671 cm. The remediation system using the micro bubble ozone oxidizer and the pneumatic fracturing equipment for field application was made and demonstrated its remediation efficiency at petroleum contaminated site. The system showed enhanced remediation capacity than the traditional chemical oxidation technology using hydrogen peroxide with reduced remediation time by about 33%.

Keywords: Micro bubble ozone oxidizer;Pneumatic fracturing;In-situ chemical oxidation;Field demonstration;Radius of influence;

This Article

  • 2012; 17(4): 44-50

    Published on Aug 31, 2012

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2012.17.4.044
  • Received on Jul 24, 2012
  • Revised on Aug 11, 2012
  • Accepted on Aug 13, 2012

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