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  • Characteristics of Sea Water Intrusion Using Geostatistical Analysis of Geophysical Surveys at the Southeastern Coastal Area of Busan, Korea
  • 지구물리 탐사자료의 지구통계학적 분석에 의한 부산 동남해안 지역의 해수침투 특성
  • 심병완;정상용;김희준;성익환;김병우;
  • 부경대학교 환경지질학과;부경대학교 환경지질학과;부경대학교 탐사공학과;한국지질자원연구원;부경대학교 환경지질학과;
Data analysis of groundwater monitoring wells and geostatistical methods are used to identify the local characteristics of sea water intrusion and the range of sea water intrusion at the southeastern coastal area of Busan, Korea. Rainfall and groundwater level of two monitoring wells show a linear correlation because of the direct groundwater recharge by the precipitation. However, rainfall and electric conductivity have the inverse relationship because of the increase of groundwater. Electric conductivity rapidly increased at 24m depth and exceeded 20,000μs/cm near 26m depth in the monitoring wells. The variations of groundwater level and electric conductivity show that the interface between sea water and fresh water tends to move upward when groundwater level goes down. In the cross correlation analysis, groundwater level versus rainfall represents the largest cross correlation coefficient in 0 time lag but the cross correlation coefficient of electric conductivity versus rainfall is the largest when the time lag is 9 days. This suggests that the fluctuations of groundwater level respond to rainfall in a short time, but the interface between sea water and fresh water respond very slow to rainfall. Horizontal extents of sea water intrusion are estimated to 14 m from the east of Line 1, and 25 m from the southeast end of Line 2 in the inversion of dipole-dipole profiling data of two survey lines. The data of VES by the Schulumberger array in May and July show lognormal distributions. In the kriged apparent resistivity and earth resistivity distributions, the resistivities of July are increased comparing to those of May. This reflects that the concentration of sea water in aquifer is reduced due to the increased groundwater recharge from the rainfall in June and July. In analyzing the vertical and horizontal apparent resistivities and earth resistivity distributions, the geostatistical methods are very useful to identify the variations of earth resistivity distributions at the coastal area

본 연구는 부산시 동남해안 지역에서 해수침입의 지역적 특성과 해수침입의 범위를 파악하기 위하여 지하수 모니터링공의 자료분석과 지구통계학적 기법을 이용하였다. 강수에 의한 직접적인 지하수의 충진으로 모니터링 우물에서의 지하수위는 강수량과 비례하지만 전기전도도는 강수량과 대체로 반비례하는 것으로 나타났다. 모니터링 우물에서 전기전도도는 약 24m심도에서 급격히 증가되어 26m전후에서 20,000μs/cm를 초과하였고, 지하수위와 전기전도도를 비교한 결과, 지하수위가 낮아질수록 해수와 담수의 경계면이 상승하는 경향을 보인다. 교차상관성 분석에 의하면 지하수위와 강수량은 시차가 0일 때 교차상관 계수가 최대이지만, 전기전도도와 강수량의 교차상관계수는 시차가 9일 때 최대로 나타났다. 이것은 지하수위 변동이 강수에 의하여 단시간에 영향을 받고 있으나, 해수와 담수의 경계면은 강수에 의하여 매우 느리게 반응한다는 것을 나타낸다. 2개의 측선에서 실시된 수평전기탐사 자료의 역산결과, Line 1에서는 동쪽 끝에서 내륙으로 약 14m지점까지, Line 2에서는 동남쪽 끝에서 내륙으로 약 25m지점까지 해수가 침투한 것으로 나타났다 5월과 7월에 슬럼버져 배열의 수직전기탐사를 실시하여 획득한 자료는 각각 대수정규분포를 나타내었고, 크리깅에 의한 겉보기비저항 분포도와 전기비저항 분포도를 비교하면 5월보다 7월에 비저항치가 상승한 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 6, 7월에 내린 강수로 지하수의 함양량이 증가하여 대수층내 해수의 농도가 감소하였기 때문이다 겉보기비저항의 수직단면도 및 평면도 그리고 전기비저항 분포도를 분석한 결과. 지구통계학적 기법은 해안 지역에서의 전기비저항 분포 변화를 파악하는데 매우 유용하였다.ors as classification criteria which can be used effectively by fashion business company. Second, in two cases, based on the job description and the responsible items, analysis showed that importance of the 7 classification criteria factors was different. And all of 7 criteria were correlated to each other. Third, the effective method to classify fashion brands was proposed by establishing the model of the relationship among the values of 7 criteria and by proving it by the structure equation model analysis. And the two types of the courses to classify fashion brand were shown. Forth, according to the evaluation of these criteria in the importance of appropriateness and difficulty of implementing, classification criteria factor of "the level of product concept" was found to be very effective and "the level of brand value" was ineffective to apply.아울러 고려(考慮)해야 한다. 이것

Keywords: Sea water intrusion;electric conductivity vertical electrical sounding (VES);resistivity;kriging;

Keywords: 해수침입;수직전기탐사;겉보기비저항;전기비저항;크리깅;

This Article

  • 2002; 7(3): 3-17

    Published on Sep 1, 2002

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