Spatial and temporal characteristics of nitrate contamination and hydrogeochemical parameters were investigated for springs and surficial and bedrock groundwaters in northeastern part of Hongseong. Two field investigations were conducted at dry and wet seasons in 2011 for 120 sites including measurement of field parameters with chemical analyses of major dissolved constituents. Nitrate concentrations were at background levels in springs while 45% of bedrock groundwater and 49% of surficial groundwater exceeded the drinking water standard of nitrate (10 mg/L as
NO3-N). The difference in nitrate concentrations between surficial and bedrock groundwater was statistically insignificant. Cumulative frequency distribution of nitrate concentrations revealed two inflection points of 2 and 16 mg/L as
NO3-N. Correlation analysis of hydrogeochemical parameters showed that nitrate had higher correlations with Sr, Mg, Cl, Na, and Ca, in surficial groundwater in both dry and wet season. In contrast, nitrate had much weaker correlations with other hydrogeochemical parameters in bedrock groundwater compared to surficial groundwater and had significant correlations only in wet season. Temporally, nitrate and chloride concentrations decreased and dissolved oxygen (DO) increased from dry season to wet season, which indicates that increased recharge during the wet season affected groundwater quality. Aerobic conditions were predominant for both surficial and bedrock groundwater indicating low natural attenuation potential of nitrate in the aquifers of the study area.
Keywords: Nitrate contamination;Agricultural activities;Crystalline rock aquifer;Correlation analysis;Redox conditions;