This research was carried out from 2001. 4 until 2001. 5 in order to examine the level of soil contamination in the vicinity of Nanjido. The sampling was done at near the Nanjido soil. At the each sampling site we did the sampling at different depth- surface(0~15cm deep), 1m deep, 2m deep, 3m deep. The contamination of Cd, Cu, Pb, As,
Cr+6, and Hg were tasted and analysed by spectra AA. The examination showed that the average concentration level of the entire sampled soil was Cd, 0.229mg/kg, Cu 8.349mg/kg, Pb : 11.083mg/kg, As : 0.298mg/kg,
Cr+6 : 0.124mg/kg, and Hg : 0.134mg/kg. The concentration level of at the depth of 0-l5cm, came out to be Cd : 0.305mg/kg, Cu : 8.464mg/kg, Pb : 11 383mg/kg, As : 0.128mg/kg,
Cr+6 : 0.153mg/kg, and Hg : 0.092mg/kg. It shows that in the cases of Cd and C
r+6 the average concentration level of the whole sampled soil was about 80% of that of 0-l5cm depth. And as for Hg and As. the average concentration level of the entire sampled soil came out to be approximately twice as high as the sample soil from the depth surface, As for Cu and Pb, there was not much difference between the entire samples average concentration level and the concentration level of surface. It was hard to find much relationship between the depth of each site where sampling was done and the level of concentration, the concentration level of Pb and Cu at the sampling site C and E was quite high, which suggests that it has been affected by the polluted the hyang-dong stream and fill random up waste.
본 연구는 비교적 인위적 오염의 개연성이 있다고 판단되는 난지도 주변 지역 토양을 대상으로 2001년 4월부터 5월까지 표토에서 깊이 3m까지 표토, 표토 1m깊이, 표토 2m깊이, 표토 3m깊이로 하여 중금속 오염농도를 조사 분석하였다. 조사대상 중금속은 Cd, Cu, Pb, As,
Cr+6 Hg의 6개 항목이였으며 농도 정량은 원자흡광광도 방법을 사용하였다. 결과로는 난지도 주변지역에서 중금속 평균도가 Cd 0.229mg/kg. Cu는 8.349mg/kg, Pb 11.083mg/kg, As 0.298mg/kg,
Cr+6 0.124mg/kg, Hg 0.134mg/kg로 나타났다. 표토 평균농도는 Cd 0.305mg/kg, Cu 8.464mg/kg, Pb 11.383mg/kg, As 0.128mg/kg,
Cr+60.153mg/kg, and Hg 0.092mg/kg로 나타났다. 이는 Cd 과
Cr+6가 조사대상 전체 평균농도의 80%수준으로 나타났다. Hg과 As는 전체 평균농도와 비슷한 수준으로 나타났다. 조사대상을 중심으로 살펴본 난지도 주변 지역의 중금속 농도조사에서 깊이별 변화 추이의 일관성은 찾을 수 없었으나 C지점과 D지점에서의 금속 수준은 오염된 향동천의 영향과 매립된 폐기물에 영향을 받은 것으로 생각되었다.
Keywords: Soil contamination;heavy metal;Nanjido;Soil Preservation Act;
Keywords: 토양 오염;난지도;토양중금속;환경보전법;