• Estimating Groundwater Recharge using the Water-Table Fluctuation Method: Effect of Stream-aquifer Interactions
  • Koo, Min-Ho;Kim, Tae-Keun;Kim, Sung-Soo;Chung, Sung-Rae;Kang, In-Oak;Lee, Chan-Jin;Kim, Yongcheol;
  • Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Kongju National University;Department of Geoenvironmental Sciences, Kongju National University;Dongbu Engineering;Sung Ji Engineering;K-water;K-water;Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources;
  • 지하수위 변동법에 의한 함양량 산정: 하천-대수층 상호작용의 영향
  • 구민호;김태근;김성수;정성래;강인옥;이찬진;김용철;
  • 공주대학교 지질환경과학과;공주대학교 지질환경과학과;동부엔지니어링;성지엔지니어링;한국수자원공사;한국수자원공사;한국지질자원원구원;
The water-table fluctuation (WTF) method has been often used for estimating groundwater recharge by analysis of waterlevel measurements in observation wells. An important assumption inherent in the method is that the water level rise is solely caused by precipitation recharge. For the observation wells located near a stream, however, the water-level can be highly affected by the stream level fluctuations as well as precipitation recharge. Therefore, in applying the WTF method, there should be consideration regarding the effect of stream-aquifer interactions. Analysis of water-level hydrographs from the National Groundwater Monitoring Wells of Korea showed that they could be classified into three different types depending on their responses to either precipitation recharge or stream level fluctuations. A simple groundwater flow model was used to analyze the errors of the WTF method, which were associated with stream-aquifer interactions. Not surprisingly, the model showed that the WTF method could greatly overestimate recharge, when it was used for the observation wells of which the water-level was affected by streams. Therefore, in Korea, where most groundwater hydrographs are acquired from wells nearby a stream, more caution is demanded in applying the WTF method.

Keywords: Groundwater recharge;Water-table fluctuation method;Stream-aquifer interaction;Groundwater flow model;

This Article

  • 2013; 18(5): 65-76

    Published on Oct 31, 2013

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2013.18.5.065
  • Received on Oct 15, 2013
  • Revised on Oct 28, 2013
  • Accepted on Oct 28, 2013

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