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  • Comparison in Structural Characteristics and Phenanthrene Sorption of Molecular Size-Fractionated Humic Acids
  • Lee, Doo-Hee;Kim, So-Hui;Shin, Hyun-Sang;
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology;Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology;Department of Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology;
  • 분자량 크기별 토양 휴믹산(HA)의 구조적 특성 및 페난트렌 흡착 반응특성 비교
  • 이두희;김소희;신현상;
  • 서울과학기술대학교 에너지환경공학과;서울과학기술대학교 에너지환경공학과;서울과학기술대학교 에너지환경공학과;
A sample of soil humic acid (HA) was divided by ultrafiltration (UF) into five fractions of different molecular size (UF1: > 300, UF2: 100~300, UF3: 30~100, UF4: 10~30, UF5: 1~10 kilodaltons). Apparent average molecular weight (Mw) of the HA fractions were measured using high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC), and the chemical and structural properties of the five HA fractions were characterized by elemental compositions (H/C, O/C and w ((2O + 3NH)/ C)) and ultraviolet-visible absorption ratios (SUVA, A4/6). The organic carbon normalized-sorption coefficients (Koc) for the binding of phenanthrene to the HA fractions were determined by fluorescence quenching and relationship between the sorption coefficients and structural characteristics of the HA fractions were investigated. The elemental analysis and UV-vis spectral data indicated that the HA fractions with higher molecular weights have grater aliphatic character and lower contents of oxygen, while the HA fractions with lower molecular size have greater aromatic character and molecular polarity that correspond to greater SUVA and internal oxidation values (w). The log Koc values (L/kg C) were gradual increased from 4.45 for UF5 to 4.87 for UF1. The correlation study between the structural descriptors of the HA fractions and log Koc values of phenanthrene show that the magnitude of Koc values positively correlated with Mw and H/C, while negatively correlated with the independent descriptors of the O/C, w, SUVA and A4/6.

Keywords: Soil humic acid;Molecular size-fractionation;Chemical-structural properties;Phenanthrene;Koc;

This Article

  • 2015; 20(7): 70-79

    Published on Dec 31, 2015

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2015.20.7.070
  • Received on Aug 5, 2015
  • Revised on Aug 27, 2015
  • Accepted on Sep 22, 2015

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