Rehabilitation for low-yielding wells resulting in improvement on groundwater quantity and quality is considered to be the most economic and ecofriendly method against the increasing demand to groundwater due to frequent drought and the increase in numbers of agricultural complex for growing horticultural crops. This study suggests standard, stepwise diagnostic fuctions consisting of four steps (Basic inspection, Specific inspection, Rehabilitation, and Management) for an optimal management to the wells. Basic inspection can provide information on current groundwater quantity and quality compared with those on its initial stage. Specific-inspection based on hydrogeology can scientifically demonstrate causes of deterioration on groundwater quantity and quality. Results of specific inspection can suggest an optimal rehabilitation method to solve deteriorating problems including clogging and corrosion for the wells. After rehabiliating the wells, an assessment on groundwater quantity and quality would be conducted to identify the suitability of the applied method and improvement of the wells. A short-term, periodic management to the wells is considered as the key to save a public management budget. Suggested diagnostic functions can possibly induce sustainable supply of agricultural groundwater to the farm land and finally contribute the increase on rural household income.
Keywords: Agricultural groundwater;Public wells;Diagnostic functions;Rehabilitation;Management;