• Estimation of Stream Discharge using Antecedent Precipitation Index Models in a Small Mountainous Forested Catchment: Upper Reach of Yongsucheon Stream, Gyeryongsan Mountain
  • Jung, Youn-Young;Koh, Dong-Chan;Han, Hye-Sung;Kwon, Hong-Il;Lim, Eun-Kyung;
  • Groundwater and Ecohydrology Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM);Groundwater and Ecohydrology Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM);Gyeryong National Park, Korea National Park Service;University of Science & Technology;Gyeryong National Park, Korea National Park Service;
  • 산악 산림 소유역에서 선행강우지수를 이용한 하천유량 추정: 계룡산 용수천 상류
  • 정윤영;고동찬;한혜성;권홍일;임은경;
  • 한국지질자원연구원 지하수생태연구센터;한국지질자원연구원 지하수생태연구센터;국립공원관리공단 계룡산사무소;과학기술연합대학원대학교;국립공원관리공단 계룡산사무소;
Variability in precipitation due to climate change causes difficulties in securing stable surface water resource, which requires understanding of relation between precipitation and stream discharge. This study simulated stream discharge in a small mountainous forested catchment using antecedent precipitation index (API) models which represent variability of saturation conditions of soil layers depending on rainfall events. During 13 months from May 2015 to May 2016, stream discharge and rainfall were measured at the outlet and in the central part of the watershed, respectively. Several API models with average recession coefficients were applied to predict stream discharge using measured rainfall, which resulted in the best reflection time for API model was 1 day in terms of predictability of stream discharge. This indicates that soil water in riparian zones has fast response to rainfall events and its storage is relatively small. The model can be improved by employing seasonal recession coefficients which can consider seasonal fluctuation of hydrological parameters. These results showed API models can be useful to evaluate variability of streamflow in ungauged small forested watersheds in that stream discharge can be simulated using only rainfall data.

Keywords: Headwater stream;Rainfall-runoff model;Soil moisture condition;Riparian zone;Vegetation;

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