• An Influence of Groundwater Flow on Performance of Closed Borehole Heat Exchangers (Part-2)
  • Hahn, Jeongsang;Kiem, Youngseek;Lee, Juhyun;Lee, Byoungho;Hahn, Chan;
  • Hans Engineering Co., Ltd.;Hans Engineering Co., Ltd.;Hans Engineering Co., Ltd.;Korea Groundwater and Geothermal Energy Association;Geogreen 21;
  • 지하수류가 밀폐형 천공 지중 열교환기 성능에 미치는 영향(2)
  • 한정상;김영식;이주현;이병호;한찬;
  • (주)한서엔지니어링;(주)한서엔지니어링;(주)한서엔지니어링;한국지하수지열협회;(주) 지오그린21;
An increase of groundwater flux in BHE system creates that ground temperature (locT) becomes lower in summer and higher in winter time. In other words, it improves significantly the performance of BHE system. The size of thermal plume made up by advection driven-flow under the balanced energy load is relatively small in contrast to the unbalanced energy load where groundwater flow causes considerable change in the size of thermal plume as well ground temperature. The ground temperatures of the up gradient and down gradient BHEs under conduction only heat transport are same due to no groundwater flow. But a significant difference of the ground temperature is observed between the down gradient and up gradient BHE as a result of groundwater flow-driven thermal interference took placed in BHE field. As many BHEs are designed under the obscure assumption of negligible groundwater flow, failure to account for advection can cause inefficiencies in system design and operation. Therefore including groundwater flow in the design procedure is considered to be essential for thermal and economic sustain ability of the BHE system.

Keywords: BHE (borehole heat exchanger);avT (average loop temperature);locT (local ground temperature);Unbalanced energy load;Balanced energy load;

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