• Groundwater Polices of the USA and Their Implications to Groundwater Management in Korea -Examples of California and Texas States-
  • Lee, Byung Sun;Song, Sung-Ho;Kim, Wonsuck;
  • Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community Corporation;Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community Corporation;Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin;
  • 미국의 지하수 제도와 국내 지하수 관리에의 시사점 -캘리포니아 및 텍사스 주를 중심으로-
  • 이병선;송성호;김원석;
  • 한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원;한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원;텍사스주립대학교 지질학과;
This study reviewed the groundwater policies of USA as a benchmarking for the purpose of improving groundwater polices, regulations, and plans in Korea. Each state of the USA has its own unique groundwater policies. Recently, severe drought in the western parts of the USA resulted in the launch of the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) program. CASGEM classified a total of 515 alluvial groundwater basins of the California State to four prior groups (high, medium, low, and very low prioritization). In Texas, a total of 101 Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) over the state has controlled groundwater pumping amounts in their own management areas and 16 Groundwater Management Areas (GMAs) over the state have directly managed groundwater aquifer. Direct management for aquifers by GMAs would be the most scientific method for groundwater management, which expected to provide water consumers the more advavnced groundwater service. These groundwater management strategies of the USA can be possibly considered in groundwater plans for national and local governmental authorities, which possibly results in more optimal groundwater management in Korea.

Keywords: Groundwater;Management;Policy;USA;Korea;

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