• Evaluation of Pollution Characteristics using Nitrate Background Levels, Nitrate Pollution Index, and Principal Component Analysis of Groundwater in Rural Areas, Hongsung-gun
  • Yeonkyeong Choi1,2ㆍKyung-Seok Ko1,2*ㆍHyowon An1,2ㆍHyunjeong Shin3ㆍSoojeong Jeong3 ㆍJeongah Lee3

  • 1Groundwater Environment Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
    2Geological Science, University of Science and Technology (UST)
    3Chungnam Regional Headquarters, Korea Rural Community Corporation

  • 지하수 질산염 배경농도 및 오염지수와 주성분분석을 이용한 농촌지역 홍성군의 지하수 오염특성 평가
  • 최연경1,2ㆍ고경석1,2*ㆍ안효원1,2ㆍ신현정3 ㆍ정수정3 ㆍ이정아3

  • 1한국지질자원연구원
    3한국농어촌공사 충남지역본부

  • This article is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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This Article

  • 2024; 29(6): 116-130

    Published on Dec 31, 2024

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2024.29.6.116
  • Received on Oct 25, 2024
  • Revised on Nov 20, 2024
  • Accepted on Dec 11, 2024

Correspondence to

  • Kyung-Seok Ko
  • 1Groundwater Environment Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM)
    2Geological Science, University of Science and Technology (UST)

  • E-mail: kyungsok@kigam.re.kr