• Effects of Organic Amendments on Heavy Mineral Oil Biodegradation
  • Lee, Sang-Hwan;Kim, Eul-Young;Choi, Ho-Jin;
  • Office of Environmental Geology, Korea Rural Community and Agricultural Corporation;Office of Environmental Geology, Korea Rural Community and Agricultural Corporation;Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community and Agricultural Corporation;
  • 중질유 오염토양의 생물학적 처리에 있어 amendments의 효과
  • 이상환;김을영;최호진;
  • 한국농촌공사 환경지질사업처;한국농촌공사 환경지질사업처;한국농촌공사 농어촌연구원;
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This Article

  • 2007; 12(5): 54-63

    Published on Oct 31, 2007

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