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  • Environmental Characteristics of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (238U, 222Rn) Concentration in Drinking Groundwaters of Metamorphic Rock Areas: Korea
  • Ju, Byoung Kyu;Kim, Moon Su;Jeong, Do Hwan;Hong, Jung Ki;Kim, Dong Su;Noh, Hoe Jung;Yoon, Jeong Ki;Kim, Tae Seung;
  • Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;Soil and Groundwater Division, National Institute of Environmental Research;
  • 국내 변성암 지역 음용지하수 중 자연방사성물질(238U, 222Rn)의 환경 특성 연구
  • 주병규;김문수;정도환;홍정기;김동수;노회정;윤정기;김태승;
  • 국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;국립환경과학원 토양지하수연구과;
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This Article

  • 2013; 18(3): 82-92

    Published on Jun 30, 2013

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2013.18.3.082
  • Received on Apr 10, 2013
  • Revised on Jun 18, 2013
  • Accepted on Jun 18, 2013

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