Improvement of Detailed Soil Survey Guidance through the New Site Classification System and Reinforcement of Exploratory Soil Survey
Kwon, Ji Cheol;Lee, Goontaek;Hwang, Sang-il;Kim, Tae Seung;Yoon, Jeong-Ki;Kim, Ji-in;
NICEM, Seoul National University;NICEM, Seoul National University;Korea Environment Institute;National Institute of Environmental Research;National Institute of Environmental Research;National Institute of Environmental Research;
조사 대상 부지 신규 분류 체계 제안 및 개황조사 강화를 통한 토양정밀조사 방법 개선 연구
서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원;서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원;한국환경정책&;#xB7;평가연구원;국립환경과학원;
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