Transition of Lead from Agricultural Paddy Soil Amended with Lime to Rice Plant after Bench-scale In-situ Washing with FeCl3
Koh, Il-Ha;Kim, Jungeun;Kim, Gi Suk;Chang, Yoon-Young;Yang, Jae-Kyu;Moon, Deok Hyun;Choi, Yulim;Ji, Won Hyun;
National Environment Lab. (NeLab);National Environment Lab. (NeLab);National Environment Lab. (NeLab);Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Ingenium College of Liberal Arts, Kwangwoon University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Mine Reclamation Corporation (MIRECO);
납 오염 논토양의 원위치 세척을 위한 FeCl3의 Bench-scale 적용성 평가: 소석회를 이용한 토양산도 개선 및 납의 벼 전이특성
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