Processing math: 100%

  • Performance Evaluation of the Field Scale Sequential Washing Process for the Remediation of Arsenic-Contaminated Soils
  • Choi Sang Il;Kim Kang Hong;Han Sang-Keun;
  • Department of Environmental Engineering Kwangwoon University;Department of Environmental Engineering Kwangwoon University;Department of Environmental Engineering Kwangwoon University;
  • Field 규모 연속 토양세척공정을 이용한 비소 오염토양 정화 효율 평가
  • 최상일;김강홍;한상근;
  • 광운대학교;광운대학교;광운대학교;
This study was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of field-scale sequential soil washing process for remediation on Kyongsangnamdo D mine soils which was heavily contaminated by arsonic. Arsenic concentration of untreated soils was 321±32mg/kg. By applying the basic operating condition which was proposed from several pilot-scale experiments, arsenic concentration of treated soils was reduced 2.04 mg/kg (99% removal efficiency). We optimized the basic operating condition (mainly on washing solution concentration, cut-off size, and mixing ratio) to improve efficiently and economically the field-scale sequential soil washing process. The resulting optimized conditions were that solution concentration is 0.2M HCl, 1.0M HCl, 1.0M NaOH, that the cut-off size is 0.15mm (seive 100), and that the mixing ratio is 1 3. Also, the optimized pH value for soil washing effluent treatment was 6 (33 ppb), in which the precipitation disruption caused by supersaturation of the floe did not occur. Results of TCLP tests showed that arsenic concentration from the washed gravels was 1.043 mg/L, that from soils ND (not detected), and that from filter cakes 0.066 mg/L. Also, the water content as a percentage of dewatered sludges was low (48%) and so the dewatered sludges can be disposed by landfilling. Through these results, we can concluded that tile field-scale sequential soil washing process developed in this study is adopted for remediation of arsenic-contaminated soils.

고농도 비소 오염토양에 대한 fold규모 연속 토양세척공정의 적용 가능성을 평가하기 위해 경상남도 D광산 광미 혼합토양에 대하여 적용하였다. 초기 비소오염 농도는 321±32mg/kg dry soil 이었으며 pilot규모 실험에서 도출된 기본 운전조건을 적용한 결과, 세척된 토양의 잔류 비소농도는 2.03 mg/kg dry soil로서 99%의 높은 제거효율을 나타내었다. 경제성 및 효율성을 개선하기 위하여 세척제의 농도, cut-off size, 진탕비를 조절하며 운전한 결과, 토양세척 공정 운전시 원활한 운전관리와 처리단가 등을 고려한 최적의 운전조건은 1) 각 단계의 세척제 농도 0.2M HCl-1.0M HCl-1.0M NaOH, 2) cut-off size 0.15mm(sieve 100), 3) 진탕비 1:3으로 처리한 결과 세척된 토양의 잔류 비소농도는 2.03mg/kg이었으며 세척유출수 처리에서는 형성된 Hoc의 과포화로 인한 침전방해가 발생하지 않는 pH 6이 (33 ppb) 최적의 처리조건으로 판단되었다. 최종 배출된 청정자갈 및 토양, 티ter cake에 대하여 TCLP법을 적용한 용출실험 결과, 각각 1.04, ND, 0.07 mg/L 모두 용출비소 농도기준(5 mg/L)을 만족하며, 탈수슬러지의 함수율(48%)도 폐기물관리법의 슬러지 수분함량 기준(85%)을 만족하여 매립처리가 가능함을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구의 field 규모 연속 토양세척공정은 고농도 비소 오염부지의 정화를 위한 기술로 적용 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다.

Keywords: Arsenic;Field scale sequential soil washing process;Economical operation condition;pH;TCLP;

Keywords: 비소;Field 규모 연속 토양세척공정;경제적 운전조건;

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This Article

  • 2005; 10(6): 68-74

    Published on Dec 1, 2005