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  • Evaluation of Industrial Byproduct for the Adsorption of Arsenic (V)
  • Park, Youn-Jong;Yang, Jae-Kyu;Choi, Sang-Il;
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon Universiy;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon Universiy;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon Universiy;
  • 재이용한 산업부산물에 의한 비소(V) 이온 흡착능 평가
  • 박연종;양재규;최상일;
  • 광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;
This study provides an attempt to evaluate sanding wastes, generated from a chemical company as a reused adsorbent. Organic impurities in the raw sanding wastes were removed by calcination at 550C. Aluminum was a major inorganic composition in the raw sanding wastes and increased from 29.09% to 52.73% after calcination. Dissolved concentrations of heavy metals from the calcined sample were below 0.3 mg/L in a stability test at pH 2. From the pH-edge adsorption experiments with the calcined sanding wastes, As (V) was found to follow an anionic-type adsorption. Adsorption isotherm obtained with variation of the dosage of the calcined sanding wastes was better described by Freundlich equation than Langmuir one. Freundlich constants of K and 1/n were 4.244 and 0.316, respectively. The As (V) adsorption capacity of calcined sanding wastes estimated from Langmuir isotherm was 13.25 mg/g. From this study, the calcined sample was identified as a good reusable adsorbent in the view point of stability and adsorption capacity on As (V).

본 연구에서는 화학회사에서 발생되는 연마분진 폐기물의 흡착제로서의 재이용성을 평가하였다. 연마분진을 550C에서 하소시킴으로서 유기불순물을 제거하였다. 연마분진내의 주요 무기물은 Al이었으며 하소 후 Al 함량은 29.09%에서 52.73%로 증가되었다. 하소 후 시료의 안정성 평가를 실시한 결과 pH 2.0의 강한 산성조건에서도 모든 중금속들의 용출량은 0.3 mg/L 이하로 나타났다. pH 변화에 따른 As(V) 흡착실험에서 As(V)의 흡착효율은 전형적인 음이 온형 흡착경향을 보였다. 하소된 연마분진의 주입량 변화에 따른 As(V)의 등온흡착 실험결과는 Freundlich 등온흡착식이 Langmuir 등온흡착식보다 상대적으로 잘 표현되는 것으로 나타났다. Freundlich 등온흡착상수 K와 1/n은 각각 4.2442와 0.3161로 얻어졌다. Langmuir 등온흡착식으로 얻어진 하소된 연마분진의 최대 As(V) 흡착량은 13.25 mg/g이었다. 이러한 연구결과, 하소된 연마분진은 안정도 및 As(V) 흡착능을 고려하였을 때 재이용성이 양호한 흡착제로 나타났다.

Keywords: Arsenic;Adsorption;Industrial byproduct;Aluminium;

Keywords: 비소;흡착;산업부산물;알루미늄;

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This Article

  • 2007; 12(4): 78-85

    Published on Aug 31, 2007