• Feasibility Study on Remediation for Railroad-contaminated Soil with Waste-lubricant
  • Park, Sung-Woo;Shin, Min-Chul;Jeon, Chil-Sung;Baek, Ki-Tae;Lee, Jae-Young;
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Department of Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology;Environments and Fire Control Research Team, Korea Railroad Research Institute;
  • 윤활유 유래 철도 오염토양의 정화방법 연구
  • 박성우;신민철;전칠성;백기태;이재영;
  • 금오공과대학교 환경공학과;금오공과대학교 환경공학과;금오공과대학교 환경공학과;금오공과대학교 환경공학과;한국철도기술연구원 환경화재연구팀;
In this study, the feasibility of soil washing, chemical oxidation and sonication was investigated to treat lubricantcontaminated railroad soil. Tergitol, a non-ionic surfactant, was used as a washing agent with or without iso-propyl acohol as a cosolvent. However, it was not effective to remove lubricant from soil even though tergitol was the most effective washing agent for diesel-contaminated soil. The cosolvent reduced the overall washing efficiency. Chemical oxidation removed 30% of lubricant from contaminated soil. Soil washing after chemical oxidation extracted additionally 16-17% of lubricant. Sonication enhanced-soil washing showed enhanced overall efficiency of soil washing. Lubricant-contaminated soil should be remediated by the other technology used for diesel-contaminated soil.

본 연구에서는 철도 윤활유 유래 오염토양을 정화하기 위해 토양세척방법, 화학적 산화법, 초음파 추출법의 타당성을 연구하였다. 세척제로는 tergitol이 사용되었으며, 세척실험은 보조용매인 iso-propyl alcohol을 사용하여 진행되었다. Tergitol이 디젤오염토양의 세척에는 효과적인 것으로 알려져 있으나, 윤활유 오염토양의 세척에는 효과적이지 못했다. iso-propyl alcohol을 보조용매로 사용한 경우 계면활성제의 토양 흡착을 증가시켜 오히려 세척효율이 감소하였다. 화학적 산화방법은 윤활유의 약 30% 정도만 제거할 수 있었다. 화학적 산화처리후 계면활성제에 의한 토양세척을 통해 약 16-17%의 추가적인 윤활유의 세척효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 초음파는 토양세척의 효과를 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 TPH 오염 철도 토양의 오염원에 따라 다른 방법을 적용하야 한다.

Keywords: Railroad-contaminated soil;Lubricant oil;Soil washing;Chemical oxidation;Sonication;

Keywords: 철도토양;윤활유;토양 세척;산화처리;초음파추출;

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This Article

  • 2008; 13(2): 30-35

    Published on Apr 30, 2008