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  • Analysis of Methane from Screened Soil of Closed Landfill and Application of Landfarming for the Reduction of the Methane
  • Kim, Kyung;Yang, Jae-Kyu;Chang, Yoon-Young;
  • Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Division of General Education, Kwangwoon University;Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;
  • 사용종료 매립지 선별토양의 메탄 발생 분석 및 토양경작기술 적용 효과 연구
  • 김경;양재규;장윤영;
  • 광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 교양학부;광운대학교 환경공학과;
In this study, methane production by reuse of screened soil of landfill was estimated and the effect of application of landfarming for the reduction of methane was investigated. The study soil sampled from S closed landfill contains VS 9.8~12.8% and its BOD/COD is 0.31~0.33 which is more than three times over 0.1, the BOD/COD stabilization criteria of Ministry of Environment. The effective remediation technology for the reduction of organics of soil, landfarming was applied to the screened soil for 60 days. VS and TPH removal showed 5.2~8.3% and 67~74% respectively, and the reduction of VS until 30 day charged 70% of the total reduction. BMP test showed 27.77~30.46 mL CH4/g VS and total methane production from total screened soil for remediation is expected about 260.4 CH4 ton. Expected amount of methane production of the screened soil by landfarming application is 12.9 CH4 ton, which shows 95% gas reduction effect and landfarming is effective for the reduction of methane production from screened soil of landfill.

Keywords: Greenhouse gas;Landfarming;Landfill;Screened soil;Methane;

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This Article

  • 2010; 15(5): 40-45

    Published on Oct 31, 2010

  • Received on Sep 13, 2010
  • Accepted on Oct 7, 2010