Subcritical water which acts as organic solvent with increasing temperature and pressure because dielectric constant and viscosity decrease can be used to remediate PAHs-contaminated soil. Factors influencing on extraction were studied with varying the water temperature
200∼275∘C, extraction time 0~90 min, flow rate 10~100 mL/min and pressure 3.9~10MPa. 300 g of soil sample which was contaminated with PAHs(naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene; 423, 420, 539 and 428 mg/kg of initial concentration) was packed into the cell and placed to reactor and then the subcritical water was pumped through the cell for PAHs extraction. Naphthalene was removed almost 100% at relatively low temperature (
200∘C). The removal rate of phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene increased by 8, 26, and 23% when the temperature increased from 200 to
275∘C; and it was gradually increased as extraction time increased from 0 to 90 min. Decreasing removal rate when water flow rate increased from 10 to 30 mL/min, but there was no significant change after 30 mL/min. This is supposed due to channeling phenomenon. The pressure was not an effective factor for extraction of PAHs in this study. Based on the results, the importance of effective factor was in following sequence: temperature >> time > flow rate.
Keywords: Subcritical water;PAHs;Channeling;Influence factor;Extraction efficiency;