A Fortran program was developed to determine the optimal locations of an artificial recharge well. Three objective functions were considered: (1) maximizing the recovery rates, (2) maximizing the injection rates, and (3) minimizing the coefficient of variation of the increased pumping rates. We also suggested a new aggregate objective function which combined the first and the third objective functions. The model results showed that locating the injection well inside the cluster of pumping wells was desirable if either the recovery or the injection rate was taken into account. However, the injection well located outside the cluster evenly increased the pumping rates in existing pumping wells. Therefore, for clustered pumping wells, installing an injection well at the center or the upstream of the pumping wells seems beneficial. For linear arrangement of pumping wells parallel to the constant head boundary, locating the injection well in the upstream was recommended. On the contrary, in case of the linear arrangement perpendicular to the constant head boundary, the injection well installed on both sides of the central part of the pumping wells was preferable.
Keywords: Groundwater flow model;Artificial recharge;Injection well;Optimization;