The purpose of this study is to highlight the National Classification System related to cleanup the soil contaminated sites and to provide some guidance to address the priority management rank system before the remediation for Busan metropolitan city. Based on the previous soil investigation data, the quantitative classification of vulnerable areas for soil pollution was performed to successfully manage the contaminated sites in Busan. Ten evaluation factors indicating the high soil pollution possibility were used for the priority management ranking system and 10 point was assigned for each factor which was evenly divided by 10 class intervals. For 16 Gu/Guns in Busan, the score of each evaluation factor was assigned according to the ratio of the area (or the number) between in each Gu (or Gun) and in Busan. Ten scores for each Gu (or Gun) was summed up to prioritize the vulnerable Gu or Guns for soil pollution in Busan. Results will be available to determine the most urgent area to cleanup in each Gu (or Gun) and also to assist the municipal government to design a successful and cost-effective site management strategy in Busan.
Keywords: Evaluation factor;Priority management;Ranking system;Soil pollution;