• The Study of Crude Oil Contaminated Soil Remediation by Indirect Thermal Desorption
  • Lee, In;Kim, Jong-Sung;Jung, Tae-Yang;Oh, Seung-Taek;Kim, Guk-Jin;
  • OIKOS Co., Ltd.;OIKOS Co., Ltd.;OIKOS Co., Ltd.;OIKOS Co., Ltd.;OIKOS Co., Ltd.;
  • 간접열탈착방식을 이용한 원유오염토양 정화효율 평가
  • 이인;김종성;정태양;오승택;김국진;
  • (주) 오이코스;(주) 오이코스;(주) 오이코스;(주) 오이코스;(주) 오이코스;
Remediation of crude oil contaminated soil is complicate and hard to apply traditional methods because of its persistency, durability, and high viscosity. Therefore, in this study, the efficiency of crude oil contaminated soil remediation was tested by developing a pilot-scale thermal desorption system using the indirect heating method with an exhaust gas treatment. Under optimal condition drawed by temperature and retention time, the remedial efficiency of crude oil contaminated soil and treatability of exhaust gas were analyzed. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration of crude oil contaminated soil was decreased to 69.7 mg/kg on average and the remedial efficiency was measured at 99.60%. Through the exhaust gas, 86.0% of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) was degraded and 97.16% of complex malodor was reduced under the suggested optimum operation condition. This study provides important basic data to be useful in scaling up of the indirect thermal desorption system for the remediation of crude oil contaminated soil.

Keywords: Crude oil contamination;Indirect thermal desorption;Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH);Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC);Complex malodor;

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This Article

  • 2016; 21(3): 14-20

    Published on Jun 30, 2016

  • 10.7857/JSGE.2016.21.3.014
  • Received on Nov 27, 2015
  • Revised on Jan 3, 2016
  • Accepted on Mar 28, 2016