In the present study, we applied various machine learning techniques comparatively for prediction of subsurface structures based on multiple secondary information (i.e., well-logging data). The machine learning techniques employed in this study are Naive Bayes classification (NB), artificial neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM) and logistic regression classification (LR). As an alternative model, conventional hidden Markov model (HMM) and modified hidden Markov model (mHMM) are used where additional information of transition probability between primary properties is incorporated in the predictions. In the comparisons, 16 boreholes consisted with four different materials are synthesized, which show directional non-stationarity in upward and downward directions. Futhermore, two types of the secondary information that is statistically related to each material are generated. From the comparative analysis with various case studies, the accuracies of the techniques become degenerated with inclusion of additive errors and small amount of the training data. For HMM predictions, the conventional HMM shows the similar accuracies with the models that does not relies on transition probability. However, the mHMM consistently shows the highest prediction accuracy among the test cases, which can be attributed to the consideration of geological nature in the training of the model.
Keywords: Secondary information;Well-logging;Subsurface prediction;Machine learning;