• Full-scale Soil Washing and Non-discharged Washing Water Treatment Process of Soil Contaminated With Petroleum Hydrocarbon
  • Seo, Yong-Sik;Choi, Sang-Il;Kim, Jong-Min;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Kim, Sung-Gyoo;Park, Sang-Hean;Ju, Weon-Ha;
  • Alpha Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.;Department ofEnvironmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department ofEnvironmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department ofEnvironmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department ofEnvironmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department ofEnvironmental Engineering, Kwangwoon University;Department ofSoil and Groundwater, Environmental Management Corportion;
  • 현장규모의 유류오염 토양세척 및 무방류 세척 유출수 처리 공정
  • 서용식;최상일;김종민;김보경;김성규;박상헌;주원하;
  • (주)알파환경엔제니어링;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;광운대학교 환경공학과;환경관리공단 토양지하수사업처;
A non-discharged system of sequentially physico-chemical water treatment was used to treat the contaminated water produced from washing system of soils according to full-scale soil washing. After washing the TPH contaminated soils, the remaining concentrations of COD$_{Mn}$, SS, and n-hexane were analyzed for each compartment to estimate the treatment efficiencies of non-discharged system. Three times of sampling events were conducted for 4 different compartments (sediment tank, flocculation tank, oil/water separator, and process-water tank). In addition, soil washing efficiencies and concentrations of each parameter (COD$_{Mn}$, SS, and n-hexane) for process-water tank were analyzed for about 8 months. As results, the average efficiency of soil washing was high to have 95.9%, regardless of the condition of TPH contamination level for soils, as well as the concentrations of COD$_{Mn}$, SS, and n-hexane in the process-water tank were below the regulation limits of the Water Environmental Conserveation Act. Accordingly, the full-scale washing treatment system in this study could make the washing water 100% recycled which lead the system to be environmentally-friendly and economical.

현장규모의 유류오염 토양세척에 따른 세척 유출수를 처리하기 위해 다단계 물리화학적 무방류 수처리시스템을 이용하였다. 오염토양세척 후 세척토양과 세척수 처리효율을 평가하기 위해 단위공정별 잔류하는 TPH(세척토양), COD$_{Mn}$, SS, n-hexane을 분석하였다. 세척 유출수 시료채취지점은 침사지,응집 침전조 그리고 유수분리조의 유출수,공정수,저장조 유입수로 4곳의 시료채취 지점에서 총 3회에 걸쳐서 실시하였다. 또한 약8개월간의 토양세척 및 공정수 저장조의COD$_{Mn}$, SS, 그리고 n-hexane을 분석하였다. 그결과, 오염토양의 농도조건과 상관없이 오염토양의 세척효율이 평균95.9%로 높았고, 수처리 공정 최종 방류구인 공정수 저장수의 COD$_{Mn}$, SS, 그리고 n-hexane가 수질환경보전법상 청정지역 방류수질기준 미민으로 검출되었다. 현장규모의 토양 세척수 처리시스템은 세척수를 100%세척공정수로 재이용하여 환경친화적이고 경제적인 토양세척 처리공법이 될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다.

Keywords: Non-discharged washing water treatment system;Full-scale soil washing system;

Keywords: 무방류 세척수 처리시스템;현장규모의 토양세척 시스템;

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This Article

  • 2009; 14(1): 61-67

    Published on Feb 28, 2009